Founding Director, Harvard Principals′ Center
′The Principal′s Companion is rightfully regarded as ′the bible′ of resource books for current and aspiring principals. No other single source provides such a thorough treatment of the multiple roles and dimensions involved in effective school leadership′ - Jay McTighe, Author and Educational Consultant
A guide on the side to help you excel in all areas of the principalship!
This third edition of a bestseller serves as a personal mentor for principals, providing the practical resources and tools to help inservice and aspiring administrators manage the challenges of leading a learning organization and facilitating school improvement.
Educational leadership consultant Pam Robbins and experienced principal Harvey B. Alvy guide school leaders on such critical areas as leadership skills, developing vision and a mission, teacher evaluation and supervision, curriculum, technology use, and conducting faculty meetings. This revised and updated guide reflects recent changes in a wide range of educational issues, including data-driven decision making and high-stakes accountability, instructional implications of brain research, federal legislation, cyberbullying, and social responsibility. This book provides:
- Research-based strategies for succeeding with issues deemed critical to the principalship by practicing principals
- An interactive format with reflective questions at the end of each chapter
- A matrix that aligns practices with ISLLC standards
The Principal′s Companion is the principal′s ideal accompaniment for creating an environment that supports teachers′ efforts to bring about successful student performance.