Does your childhood trauma still control you? Do the demons from your past haunt and torment you, no matter how hard you try to move on and live your life? For Suzey, though she has just moved into her dream home with her loving, devoted husband, there is still something she deeply yearns for: a child. As each pregnancy devastatingly fails, she is reminded of the harsh words of her hateful grandmother. Words repeated to her throughout her childhood, day after day between the beatings and verbal assaults-
The stork only brings the souls of children to worthy mothers. You are the daughter of a whore. You are empty and soulless-the Devil's spawn.
When yet another pregnancy test comes up positive, Suzey is determined to birth her baby into the world. Even as the skeletons begin to pour from her closet and her traumatized mind crumbles into murderous madness.
She WILL become a mother. Even if she has to grab the stork by the neck and force it to deliver her child's soul. Even if it kills her.
WARNING: This book contains graphic content. Reader discretion is advised.