"An inspiring book! Easton′s clear, compelling writing is made more vivid by the wonderful real-life examples."--Dennis Sparks, Emeritus Executive Director National Staff Development Council
"Principals--particularly secondary school principals--should find this book and Easton′s earlier work to be all the basic resources required. It is comprehensive and deals with the critical issues of the day."--Richard W. Clark, Executive Vice President Institute for Educational Inquiry
Create an integrated system of support for struggling students!
Based on Lois Brown Easton′s experience working with disengaged learners, this insightful resource helps educators make positive connections with youngsters of all ages who are at risk of failing or dropping out. Featuring the voices of educators and students, this invaluable text covers methods for improving the schoolwide climate in ways that support all students and for creating a learning environment that promotes academic, personal, and social growth. The author illustrates how to make meaningful changes in curriculum and instruction and examines the importance of:
Easton′s book inspires teachers to make a significant change in their school′s culture to engage developing minds and champion all learners, regardless of socioeconomic factors.