In this rapidly changing health care environment, a challenge today’s physical therapist faces is finding, evaluating, and implementing current best evidence into practicce, an integral part of health care professional educational programs. With that goal in mind, Physical Therapy Management of Patients With Spinal Pain: An Evidence-Based Approach provides a comprehensive research-based overview of the examination and physical therapy interventions of the spine.
Inside Physical Therapy Management of Patients With Spinal Pain, Drs. Deborah M. Stetts and J. Gray Carpenter evaluate the current evidence related to spinal pain and present it in a format that allows for an easy transition to the clinical environment. By providing effective clinical interventions, rather than relying on habits or tradition, patients benefit from an increased likelihood of improved quality of life with the least potential of personal and financial risk.
Some features include:
• Over 650 photographs, images, and tables
• Access to a supplemental video Website with new book purchase
• Best practice for evaluating and treating the lumbar spine, thoracic spine, and cervical spine
• Comprehensive coverage of the clinical presentation of spine-related pathologies from evaluation to treatment
Each chapter outlines the history, physical examination, physical therapy diagnosis, evidence-based management guidelines, and case studies for each topic. Case studies will challenge the reader’s clinical reasoning skills with the use of current best evidence throughout the initial examination and subsequent treatment sessions.
Also included with Physical Therapy Management of Patients With Spinal Pain is access to a supplemental Website containing more than 375 video demonstrations corresponding to the tests and measures, examination, evaluation, and intervention procedures covered within the text.
Physical Therapy Management of Patients With Spinal Pain: An Evidence-Based Approach is the go-to reference text and accompanying Web site for the physical therapy students, or clinicians who are reaching for best practice through providing the highest level of evidence-informed care in the evaluation and management of patients with spinal pain.