She was introduced to the inner workings of the NAACP when she was very young becoming a member at age 3. It became her passion. She became involved. Ophelia came from a family of, Civil Rights Activists As a member at an early age stamping out injustice wherever it appeared she is dedicated to her beliefs that all people of all ages, races, colors, and creeds are entitled to the same quality of Life.
After volunteering for over 21 years as the President of The Akron NAACP Chapter she continues to solicitate for the organization, raising memberships and Life Memberships for the organization. She helped establish five new NAACP Youth Chapters, including one at the University of Akron. She was given a seat on the NAACP National Board. Throughout her life she continues to try daily to emphasize to others to make the world a better place for everyone as she encourages those who read this book, to be inspired to encourage all others to do the same.