It's a warm spring evening in 1967. Abby Moore watches Charlie Egan as they dance to the seductive rhythm and blues. Then it was the Beatles. She didn't remember how they ended up in her apartment. Then he disappeared. He left no forwarding address. There were no goodbye messages. There was just an empty place in her heart and in her life.
Thirty-six years later at a business conference on Hilton Head Island she spies a man who has the familiar walk and mannerisms that remind her of Charlie. Part of her wants it to be him, the other does not. Resurrecting the past would be painful and she's not sure she shouldn't just leave it there. Telling him what he left behind terrified her, but she desperately needed to know why he disappeared.
When they meet on the beach they find themselves drawn together by the same magic that bound them for two glorious years in their story book youth. A mutual attraction that was so strong they could not imagine life without the other. This time they realize they must drive a stake into the past and kill it before they can enjoy the present.