Making use of extensive primary and secondary sources, this book begins the process of recovering this once eminent Victorian. Helps did become a forgotten figure, but, nevertheless, during the course of his career he made notable impacts upon many areas of British life. At once a social activist and literary figure, Helps labored to promote social reform while also lifting his pen to educate his readers about the complexity of both societal problems and the difficulties inherent in adequately addressing them. He looked well beyond Britain as well: it would be Helps who authored a four volume history of the Spanish conquest of the New World, while developing unrivaled expertise on the history and practice of slavery in the Americas. As Clerk of the Privy Council, Helps played a decisive role in addressing the problems caused by the ‘Cattle Plague’ which shocked Britain in the middle of the 1860s. Most important, perhaps, it would be as Clerk that Helps served Queen Victoria not only as an informal confidant, but by making decisions which refashioned the monarchy’s public image. The book, then, reintroduces Helps by documenting and assessing his contributions to Victorian Britain.