Child Welfare and Family Services

By Susan Downs

Child Welfare and Family Services
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Child Welfare and Family Services: Policies and Practice, Seventh Edition
Susan Whitelaw Downs "Wayne State University"
Ernestine Moore "Wayne State University"
Emily Jean McFadden "Grand Valley State University"
Susan Michaud "University of Wisconsin, Madison"
Lela B. Costin (late) "Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne"

This thorough revision of "Child Welfare and Family Services" reflects current issues, controversies, and innovative practice methods in family and child services.

Features of the Seventh Edition:

  • Comprehensive coverage of issues including juvenile justice, advocacy, U.S. Supreme Court decisions, federal legislation such as AFSA and TANF, and statistical updates places content and practice methods in a strong legal context.
  • Numerous case studies, suggestions for additional study and further discussions, and internet sites at end of each chapter allow students to further expand interest in and research on each issue.
  • New and updated material on child well-being, child outcome measures, new approaches to ensuring child safety, child welfare in a global context, issues relating to immigrants and refuges, cultural competence such as services to gay/lesbian children and families, and the relationship of substance abuse and domestic violence to child welfare.
  • New "Discovering U.S. History Online" pedagogy at the end of each chapter provides a list of suggested Web sites for additional study and research.
  • New information on forensic interviewing and documentation for court in Chapter 6 applies and explains skills that all child welfare practice professionals need for the field.
  • New model combining family continuity and concurrent planning on Chapter 9 helps students understand the relationship between these concepts.
  • New charts, tables, and cases in the text act as handy references to students for everything from federal legislation and juvenile justice to child outcome accountability and advocacy techniques.
What reviewers thought of"""""" "Child Welfare and Family Services: "

"I adopted this text because it creates a basis for understanding children and families in the United States, discusses general supportive services, and then approaches the complexity of child welfare....I also find it well researched and comprehensive." -"Martha G. Roditti, San Francisco State University"

"I have enjoyed using this text. It has impressed me how thorough each topic is covered...It is a user friendly text and has many case vignettes." -"Monique Busch, Indiana University"

Special Value Pack Option: You can order this text packaged with a FREE Research Navigator( for the Helping Professions guide, which features a free password for access to an array of online sources. This new Pearson Learning product helps students and instructors find credible and reliable material for research assignments and papers.

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