R.G. Howarth, Australian Man of Letters

By Alan Lindsey McLeod

R.G. Howarth, Australian Man of Letters
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An early admirer and critic of Howarth's poetry indicated that he had commenced writing verse at the age of seven. He had apparently continued in this avocation, for in his first year at Fort Street he was awarded the prize of one guinea, donated by the headmaster, for the best School song. There have been few Australian academics who have made notable contributions to more than one or two aspects of their discipline; Robert Guy Howarth was one of these. R G Howarth was first identified as a talented young poet by the distinguished Australian critic and teacher Dr George Mackaness, who studied the teaching of English at Fort Street (Sydney) High School early last century. While another student, A D Hope, also became an influential professor of English and a noted satirist, Howarth worked mainly in the love lyric, but also in the aphoristic, epigrammatic, and satiric modes of occasional verse. Hope's model was Alexander Pope, Howarth's was Lord Rochester; both were influenced by the Augustan aesthetic, and both influenced the direction of Australian poetry at mid-century. In addition to his verse, Howarth produced a significant body of literary criticism through numerous contributions to journals; through his long-term editing of Southerly and guiding of the English Association (Sydney Branch), he influenced both the direction of scholarship and the development of standards of criticism in Australia. In his seventeen years as Arderne Professor of English Literature in the University of Cape Town his influence on English studies in South Africa was commensurate with his influence in Sydney. Throughout his academic life Guy Howarth was an indefatigable correspondent, maintaining contact with writers, academics, and personal friends worldwide, as his archives in the library of the University of Texas show. In recognition of his contribution to the world of letters, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature.

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