"Ibrahim Warde takes a long overdue skeptical look at the widely held view that money is the 'oxygen' of terrorism. That conclusion has resulted in a financial war on terror launched by the US government that in many cases has produced meager or even counterproductive results. Warde writes with great clarity, and his book is very well reported. It is a welcome addition to a field that has been largely the preserve of alarmists with little interest in the kinds of reporting done by Warde."--Peter Bergen, author of The Osama bin Laden I Know
"A pleasure to read ... remarkably informative about a subject that the press seems to have mangled. This ought to have a big impact."--Chalmers Johnson, author Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
"Is it any wonder that with thinking like this, American policy went adrift in the war on terror, not able to find a solid base on which to move forward?"--Patrick Lloyd Hatcher, author of North Atlantic Civilization at War
"A witty, irreverent analysis of the financial 'war on terror' ... A must read for anyone interested in the Middle East and the global economy."--Clement M. Henry, co-author of Globalization and the Politics of Development in the Middle East