Prehistoric Britain from the Air

By Timothy Darvill

Prehistoric Britain from the Air
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This book provides a bird's-eye look at the monumental achievements of Britain's earliest inhabitants. Britain had been occupied by prehistoric communities for over half a million years before the Roman Conquest. During this time many changes were wrought in the landscape, some of them so indelibly scored that they are still visible today. The unique bird's-eye perspective offered by the aerial camera brings to life many of the familiar sites and monuments that prehistoric communities built, and exposes to view many thousands of sites that simply cannot be seen at ground level because they have become buried or levelled by centuries of ploughing and cultivation. In this book, Timothy Darvill introduces the ways in which aerial photographs reveal traces of the prehistoric past, illustrating and describing a wide selection of archaeological sites and landscapes, and, for the first time, applying social archaeology to the field of aerial photography.

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