El hotel encantado / Case Closed #3: Haunting at the Hotel

By Lauren Magaziner

El hotel encantado / Case Closed #3: Haunting at the Hotel
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¿Te atreves a convertirte en detective? ¡Tú decides a qué sospechoso interrogar, qué preguntas hacer y qué pistas seguir!

Los huéspedes de un inquietante hotel de montaña se quejan de extrañas molestias, mensajes amenazadores y aullidos que ponen los pelos de punta. ¿Es posible que alguien quiera aterrorizarlos?

Carlos, su mejor amiga Eliza y su alocado hermano pequeño Frank llegan a la escena de los hechos para investigar... ¿un fantasma? ¿Qué misterios oculta ese hotel encantado?

¡Con tantos enigmas engañosos, misterios macabros y docenas de decisiones dificilísimas, estos aprendices de detective necesitarán tu ayuda!


Pick-your-own-path and puzzle-packed mystery collide in the third book in Lauren Magaziner’s hilarious and interactive middle grade series. In the Case Closed books, the reader helps Carlos and his friends hunt ghosts at a haunted hotel.

In this wildly entertaining adventure, YOU pick which suspects to interview, which questions to ask, and which clues to follow. You pick the path—you crack the case!

Carlos Serrano is now officially an apprentice detective at Las Pistas Detective Agency. He finally earned his mom’s trust, but his next case will be his most difficult one yet. Guests at a creepy mountain hotel are complaining of weird disturbances, threatening messages, and hair-raising howls!

Carlos, along with his best friend, Eliza, and her wacky little brother, Frank, arrive on the scene to investigate a . . . ghost? What secrets is this haunted hotel hiding? With tricky puzzles, ghoulish secrets, ectoplasmic enemies, and dozens of impossible choices, these junior detectives need your sleuthing skills!

Can you help Carlos and his friends unravel the mystery before it’s too late? Or will it be case closed?

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