Grand Theft Nuclear!: (www.nuclear_warheads_4_sale@_mayak.rus)

By James Vincent Novak

Grand Theft Nuclear!: (www.nuclear_warheads_4_sale@_mayak.rus)
Available for 9.95 USD

 "Nuclear warheads that a wheelin' & dealin' Russian General steals from a stockpile of 33,000 at the Mayak warhead reprocessing facility are sold for big bucks. North Korea buys two and the Arab League buys a monstrous Israel Annihilator. In the background, Afghanistan terrorist El H'mm'l prepares to hijack 200 plutonium dirty-bomb kits from Mayak for a hit on the American aircraft carrier. The Russian General and crafty CIA Director jointly scheme to hijack the Annihilator warhead via a rusty old North Korean minesweeper-American submarine combo. Neo Nazis move in to hijack the sub for a missile attack on Israel, unaware it has no missiles or torpedoes. When an Internet blogger exposes the three hijack plans and posts a cryptic address, www.Nuclear_Warheads_4_Sale@_Mayak.Rus, the Arab League realizes it's been snookered by the general. MOSSAD moves in to aid the American submarine and also help destroy Iran's Natanz nuclear weapons facility."

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