Did men truly conquer the frontier, or was it the women who quietly traded hopes and dreams in a gamble to build something even bigger for themselves and their families? In Flats Junction, sacrifices grow ever starker as the town begins to realize it faces an existential crisis on multiple fronts.
Enigmatic storekeeper Kate has ambitions to become more powerful than her father, but to do so requires making deals with many devils to bring electricity and a hospital, perhaps to Flats Junction's detriment. Helena, the intrepid daughter of tinsmith Marie, wrestles with the confines of her gender as she tries to build her dressmaking shop, only to learn through terrifying ordeals that bucking tradition is not as simple as she hopes. And Jane, the doctor's wife, fights both her medical minded husband and the prejudices of the locals when she uses herbal medicine to fight a terrifying disease.
Worse, an enemy from the doctor's past comes to upend the entire hierarchy of Flat's Junction - with Kate's unsuspecting blessing. Can the women of Flats Junction learn to fight together to save everything they've built, or will their inner demons destroy it all?