The original work by M.D. Sturge has been updated and expanded to include new chapters covering non-equilibrium and biological systems. This second edition re-organizes the material in a more natural manner into four parts that continues to assume no previous knowledge of thermodynamics.
The four divisions of the material introduce the subject inductively and rigorously, beginning with key concepts of equilibrium thermodynamics such as heat, temperature and entropy. The second division focuses on the fundamentals of modern thermodynamics: free energy, chemical potential and the partition function. The second half of the book is then designed with the flexibility to meet the needs of both the instructor and the students, with a third section focused on the different types of gases: ideal, Fermi-Dirac, Bose-Einstein, Black Body Radiation and the Photon gases. In the fourth and final division of the book, modern thermostatistical applications are addressed: semiconductors, phase transitions, transport processes, and finally the new chapters on non-equilibrium and biological systems.
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