This unofficial guide to the popular series by novelist J.K. Rowling is a 368 page companion work perfect for the curious reader who wants to know more about these remarkable books. Extensive new commentary, which does not appear on Vander Ark's Harry Potter Lexicon website (http: // adds to the fun of reading Vander Ark's new reference work. The author has been frequently featured in over 100 publications including the New York Times, The London Times, The International Herald Tribune, the Associated Press and National Public Radio.
Steve Vander Ark's Harry Potter Lexicon website is visited by more than 25 million visitors annually. For years fans who have seen the author keynote major academic conferences on the Harry Potter novels, including Sectus in London, Patronus in Copenhagen, Lumos in Las Vegas and Prophecy in Toronto, have been asking him to write an original companion work on this wonderful series. This book offers fascinating analysis and new insights.