-Stephen Harding, Principal Terry High School, MS
Minimize site-based risk while respecting the legal rights of students, staff, and parents!
Principals deal with complicated and potentially damaging legal issues every day . . . and now there′s an accurate, accessible tool, written in plain English that can give administrators the information they need to do their jobs while minimizing legal risk. While retaining the reader-friendly format from their first edition, Dennis R. Dunklee and Robert J. Shoop-recognized school law experts-provide additional programmatic guidance for other school district personnel, "management cues" and "risk management guidelines," a comprehensive index, additional references to landmark court cases, coverage of the No Child Left Behind Act, and information on state-created danger and deliberate indifference.
This second edition helps school administrators quickly find important legal guidance for issues that include
Staff selection and evaluation
Student rights and discipline
Special education and the reauthorized IDEA
Copyright law
Search and seizure
Sexual harassment and sexual exploitation
And many more
This essential desk reference offers a straightforward resource on translating school law into practice and can be used as a day-to-day reference guide or a comprehensive overview of school law today.