Bb5 Sicilian

By Carsten HANSEN

Bb5 Sicilian
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The systems with 3 Bb5 against the Sicilian Defence have an excellent reputation for avoiding heavy duty theoretical clashes while maintaining plenty of tension in the position. The immediate tactical melees that often arise after an early d4 are avoided and the focus is on creating double-edged middlegame positions. An understanding of the Bb5 systems is very good for a player's general chess education as they generate a great variety of middlegame themes. Sometimes the bishop drops back to b3, creating Ruy Lopez-type struggles. On other occasions White captures a knight on c6, weakening the black pawn structure but conceding the bishop pair. Finally if Black chooses a slow system of development White can change tack and revert to a quick d2-d4 hoping for a swift attack.The Move by Move series provides an ideal format for the keen chessplayer to improve their game. While reading you are continually challenged to answer probing questions - a method that greatly encourages the learning and practising of vital skills just as much as the traditional assimilation of chess knowledge. Carefully selected questions and answers are designed to keep you actively involved and allow you to monitor your progress as you learn. This is an excellent way to study chess while providing the best possible chance to retain what has been learnt.- Everything you need to know about the Bb5 Sicilian.- The Q and A approach emphasizes plans and strategies.- Written by an expert on the opening.

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