Collecting Passions

By Susan MacLeod O'Reilly, Alain Massé, Susan McLeod O'Reilly, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Canadian Postal Museum

Collecting Passions
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Are you a born collector?

Just about every child collects something: rocks, stuffed animals, sports cards, even postage stamps. With Collecting Passions, children can see how much fun collecting things can really be, with a few helpful hints from the experts.

Written by a museologist at the Canadian Postal Museum, Collecting Passions is the ultimate beginner's guide to the wonderful world of collecting stamps and other fabulously fun stuff from all around the world. Chock full of activities and "Did You Know" bubbles that contain fascinating facts, Collecting Passions will keep children busy for hours. Some of the fun and exciting things to do inside this book include: Make your very own personalized stamps using only a potato and some ink Learn the amazing story of how the stamp was invented and who invented it Thrill to the adventures of famous letter carriers like Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express Discover just what happened to the mail when Paris was invaded in 1870

Collecting Passions also includes detailed instructions on getting started with a stamp collection, how to stay organized, and how to have the greatest stamp collection of all times! The activities increase in complexity as children progress through the book. And, the wonderfully crazy and imaginative art of Norman Eyolfson animates every page from Collecting Passions. With tons of stuff to do and discover, children will delight in this book reading after reading.