German Order of Battle: Panzer, Panzer Grenadier, and Waffen SS divisions in World War II

By Samuel W. Mitcham

German Order of Battle: Panzer, Panzer Grenadier, and Waffen SS divisions in World War II
Available for 19.95 USD
  • Narrative histories highlighting organization, combat experiences, and casualties of each division
  • Lists of constituent units and division commanders
  • Sources for further reading on each division

The final volume of Samuel Mitcham's trilogy on the German Army in World War II focuses on panzer, panzer grenadier, motorized, and Waffen SS divisions. Among these units are the 1st SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Division, whose members included tank ace Michael Wittmann; the notorious 12th SS Hitler Youth Division that fought the Allies in Normandy; the 3rd SS Totenkopf Division that wreaked havoc on the Eastern Front; and the panzer divisions that spearheaded the German blitzkrieg in the East and West.

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