This book complements the volume R. Buckminster Fuller, Your Private Sky: Design Art Science and gives an authentic insight into the development of Fuller's architectonic, technical and anthropological concepts. This poet of technology was a poet as engineer, a thinker as designer, an artist as researcher who left an immense testament of writings - including texts of visionary importance, great consistency, penetrating linguistic force and not least of urgent topicality. The book documents various aspects of his widely ramified publications. Fuller spoke to the whole world, indeed to Spaceship Earth, the metaphor that he coined in 1950.
He did this as one of the greatest and incomparably original individuals of our time in a genuinely American sense. Some of the texts are published here for the first time, such as his first programmatic manuscript Lightful Houses (1928), an informative lecture text on Dymaxion House (1929), his Letter to Einstein (1944) and the convolute Noah's ArkII (1951) as a commented facsimile. Photographs from Fuller's estate complement the texts.