Train to gain

By Great Britain: National Audit Office

Train to gain
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At a cost of £1.47 billion by March 2009, Train to Gain had supported employer-focused training for over one million learners, and had developed a skills brokerage service with which a majority of employers was satisfied. But while Train to Gain has achieved undoubted benefits for employers, the NAO has concluded that over its full lifetime the programme has not provided good value for money. Unrealistically ambitious initial targets and inconsistent implementation reduced the efficiency of the programme. Take up was much lower than expected at first, leading to underspending. Learners have nevertheless benefited from improved work skills at a basic level, and surveys of employers have provided evidence of improved business performance from the training. For many of the 554,100 learners who achieved a qualification it was their first qualification, giving them a boost in self-confidence as well as new employment skills. Some employers have reported that the training has led to improved business performance. Many of the 143,400 engagements with employers to provide advice on skills training were with 'hard to reach' businesses that had previously provided little or no training for their staff. Learners' success rates have varied substantially between training providers. In 2006-07, success rates ranged from 8 to 99 per cent for the largest 100 providers. A half of employers whose employees received training would have arranged similar training without public subsidy. The report concludes that the now strong demand for training should be used as an opportunity to focus resources on the areas of greatest need and on training with the highest quality providers.

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