He was known as "the G.I. General" - humble, self-effacing, hard-working, reflecting the small-town virtues of the America whose uniform he wore. But those very virtues have led historians to neglect General Omar Bradley - until now. Bestselling author Jim DeFelice, in this, the first-ever biography of America's last five-star general, tells Bradley's full story, and argues that the neglected G.I. General did more than any other to defeat Hitler in World War II.
DeFelice reveals:
- Why Bradley deserves most of the credit for America's victories in North Africa
- How Bradley was one of Patton's great defenders and tried to cover up the infamous slapping incident
- How Eisenhower panicked - when Bradley didn't - during the early stages of the Battle of the Bulge
- Why Bradley expected the Germans might use radiological weapons at Normandy
Meticulously researched, using previously untapped document and unpublished diaries,
Omar Bradley: General at War deserves a place on the shelf of every reader of World War II history.