Ponto de Encontro

By Anna Klobucka, Clèmence de Jouët-Pastrè, Patra-Cia Isabel Sobral, Maria Luci de Biaji Moreira, Ama(c)Lia P Hutchinson, Patrícia Isabel Sobral, Patr?cia Isabel Sobral, Amélia P. Hutchinson, Am?lia P Hutchinson

Ponto de Encontro
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The organization of the Student Activities Manual (workbook, lab manual, and video manual) follows that of the main text, providing further practice of each chapter’s vocabulary and grammatical structures through sentence building and completion exercises, fill-ins, and art- and realia-cued activities. Reading and writing activities include strategies for improving reading and writing skills. The lab section of each chapter is to be used in conjunction with the SAM audio program recordings of varied listening comprehension selections. The recorded passages are followed by comprehension-check activities. The video manual includes activities that test students’ comprehension of the video materials and invite them to react to the experiences and opinions expressed by the speakers. A substantial appendix to both SAMs provides additional targeted practice for Spanish-speaking learners of Portuguese.