A concise up-to-date guide to all aspects of environmental pollution and cleanup.
Human invention and innovation have brought about tremendous improvements in the quality of life of millions of people around the world today-but progress has its price. Environmental pollution is rapidly attacking the Earth's ecosphere. While advances have been made and new disciplines have emerged to identify, monitor, regulate, and compensate for environmental pollutants, it will take the combined efforts of numerous specialists to solve the problem. It will also take the efforts of an informed public that, through its voting and buying habits, has the power to determine whether or not the threat to our environment can be contained.
This 2-volume encyclopedia provides all readers, regardless of scientific background or training, with a working knowledge of contemporary issues in environmental pollution and cleanup. Based on Wiley's critically acclaimed, 8-volume Encyclopedia of Environmental Analysis and Remediation, this compact A-to-Z reference features the same breadth and quality of coverage-and clarity of presentation-found in the original. It includes:
This book is an ideal reference for high school and college students and a convenient resource for scientists, environmental consultants, and anyone who needs clear, reliable, up-to-date information on environmental pollution and cleanup.