Jim Champy revolutionized business with Reengineering the Corporation. Now, in Deliver!, the third book in a series about what's new and really works in business, he shows how to leverage the rich treasure of potential competitive advantage that's hiding in plain view: your operations. Deliver! presents five original, chapter-length case studies of organizations performing at levels that were once viewed as impossible. They range from Campbell's Soup to the US Navy. Their offerings range from industrial tools to premium California wine. What do they share in common? Their success hasn't been grounded in breakthrough strategy: it's built on goals, discipline, details… the grittiness of everyday execution. In an era of highly constrained resources, these organizations offer you the most realistic path to sustainable success: Increase operational efficiency. Drive real savings. And use those savings not merely to maintain your competitive position, but to drive it forward.
Want more? Check out the e-book collection, Jim Champy on What's Really Working in Business. This brand new collection contains state-of-the-art business insights from world-renowned expert Jim Champy…now in a convenient e-format, at a great price!