Do you want to be a great storyteller or screenwriter? Well, consider it done! It all starts with a decision... and The EEEEasy Approach to Great Storytelling and Screenwriting is a step-by-step comprehensive guidebook that will teach you how to craft great stories and characters that are compelling and as unique as you are.
You will learn how to write a professional industry-standard screenplay or manuscript, and this book will give you the tools, inspiration, and motivation to turn your decision into action so that you can start and finish your creative projects.
The EEEEasy Approach to Great Storytelling and Screenwriting is Trevor L. Smith’s unique method of teaching the structure and form (not formula) of great storytelling and screenwriting, focusing on the four simple and EEEEasy elements of experience, express, extract, and embody, to help you build complex stories, and characters that are unique, real, and relatable. This book will teach you great storytelling and screenwriting in a way that is EEEEasy to learn and understand so you can start writing with creative excellence... Now.
In this book you will learn how to:
Find story-worthy ideas • Turn your ideas into a premise • Develop your premise into an engaging story • Masterfully develop characters and dialogue • Write professional and visually written screenplays • Protect your intellectual property • Effectively rewrite your stories and scripts • Draft attention-grabbing loglines and query letters • Set goals, establish and change mindsets, overcome writer’s block, and more...
This book is perfect for new screenwriters and authors, struggling writers who feel stuck and unable to complete their projects, experienced writers looking for a fresh perspective, and producers, directors, actors, and any creatives with a desire to tell their own engaging stories.