For Serra, drawing has always been an essential way of exploring new creative impulses, materials and working methods. His consistent ambition has been to make discoveries through the process of drawing itself, rather than to execute preconceived ideas. To this end, about two years ago Serra developed the innovative technique by which his 'Drawings for the Courtauld' are made. The forms that emerge are monumental: spiraling, circular or rectangular, they convey a sculptural sense of weight and balance. They also confront basic assumptions about drawing. Our perceptions of front and back, surface and depth, and most importantly the distinction between the drawn design and the material it is made from, are all challenged by these works.
Serra has long admired The Courtauld Gallery's collection and it is particularly fitting that these radical new works should be shown for the first time at a museum with such a renowned and rich historical collection of drawings. But it is one of the Courtauld's great paintings, C zanne's Still Life with Plaster Cupid, c. 1894, which has been a major touchstone for Serra throughout his career. The way C zanne pushed the boundaries of perspective and space in the painting threw down a challenge for the young Serra that continues to drive him. "I looked at that painting and the hair on the back of my neck stood up," Serra recalled recently. "You realize that someone has extended their vision in such a way that if you are going to make any contribution at all, you have to break new ground." Serra's 'Drawings for the Courtauld' are the latest expression of this lifelong pursuit.