Petite and adrogynous, with enormous, doleful eyes and a winsome smile, Audrey Hepburn established her own unique style in an era ripe with buxom, overtly sexual starlets. Discovered in Paris by the author Colette as the perfect acress to portray the stage version of her character, Gigi, Hepburn moved quickly to Hollywood, launching a movie career that spanned two decades and earned her numerous accolades as well as three Oscar nominations for Sabrina, The Nun's Story, and Breakfast at Tiffany's. But Hepburn's stardom expanded beyond cinema. Her lithesome figure provided the perfect vehicle for European fashion designers, and it wasn't long before "the Hepburn look" swept both continents. Audrey Hepburn's disarming naturalness in front of the camera is everywhere in evidence in this photographic homage.