Stephen Hawking advanced our understanding of theuniverse more than any other scientist of his day. He spent his entire lifechasing the idea of a 'Theory of Everything', to explain the entire universe,relating to the Big Bang Theory. He said that the aim of scientists is toexperience the joy of discovering something that no one has ever known before.
Stephen Hawking's career was intrinsically tied to hisimpact on society. He wrote his book, A Brief History of Time, toexplain physics not to just scientists, but to anyone who was interested. Itmade him one of the most famous scientists in the world. Later in his life, asa sufferer of ALS, Hawking became an inspirational story of living withdisability, and chasing your dreams regardless.
This colourfully illustrated, beautifully designedbiography will captivate young readers and teach them what Hawking learnedabout black holes and time, how he discovered how the universe began, and whyhe believed that humans must live on other planets. Through his life, it givesan insight into how Hawking's discoveries have changed our understanding of theworld around us forever!