By Victor A. Benderskii, Dmitrii E. Makarov, Charles A. Wight
Available for 245 USD
The first unified treatment of experimental and theoreticaladvances in low-temperature chemistry Chemical Dynamics at LowTemperatures is a landmark publication. For the first time, thecumulative results of twenty years of experimental and theoreticalresearch into low-temperature chemistry have been collected andpresented in a unified treatment. The result is a text/referencethat both offers an overview of the subject and contains sufficientdetail to guide practicing researchers toward fertile ground forfuture research. Topics covered include: * Developmental history * Formulation of general problems and the main approximations usedto solve them * Specific features of tunneling chemical dynamics * One-dimensional tunneling in the path integral formalism * Special problems of two- and multidimensional tunneling * An extended presentation of pertinent experimental results