The MindShare Architecture book series currently includes the books listed below. Rather than duplicating common information in each book, the series uses the building-block approach. Generally speaking,ISA System Architectureis the core book upon which the others build. In a sense, it is a PC-compatibility book. The entire book series is published by Addison-Wesley.
Books about Processor Architecture:The reader should keep in mind that MindShare's book series often details rapidly evolving technologies. That being the case, it should be recognized that the book is a "snapshot" of the state of the technology at the time the book was completed. We make every attempt to produce our books on a timely basis, but the next revision of the specification is not introduced in time to make necessary changes.
At the time of this writing, the HyperTransport I/O Link Specification Revision 1.04 is released. The 1.04 revision of the specification does not deal with the networking extensions but much of the work on the HyperTransport 1.05 and 1.1 revisions has been done by the HyperTransport Technical Working Group, and quite a bit of preliminary information on this important addition to the protocol has been released. Some of the more important additions to these specifications are summarized in this book. Please check the MindShare Web site ( for supplemental information, updates, and errata.
Intended AudienceThis book is intended for use by hardware and software design and support personnel. The tutorial approach taken may also make it useful to technical personnel not directly involved design, verification, and other support functions.
Prerequisite KnowledgeIt is recommended that the reader has a reasonable background in PC architecture, including experience or knowledge of an I/O bus and related protocol. The MindShare publication entitledISA System Architecturefocuses on various aspects of PCI architecture and provides the necessary background.
Topics and OrganizationTopics covered in this book and the flow of the book are as follows:
Part 1: Overview of HyperTransportHyperTransport is a trademark of the HyperTransport Consortium. This book takes the liberty of abbreviating HyperTransport as "HT" to improve readability.
Hexadecimal NotationAll hex numbers are followed by a lower case "h." For example:
All binary numbers are followed by a lower case "b." For example:
1000 1001 1111 0010b
Numbers without any suffix are decimal. When required for clarity, decimal numbers are followed by a lower case "d." Examples:
This book uses the following terminology regarding quantities of data:
8-bits = 1 byte
16-bits = 2 bytes, Word
32-bits = 4 bytes, Double Word, Dword, or DW
64-bits = 8 bytes, Quad Word, Qword, or QW
This book represents bit with lower case "b" and bytes with an upper case "B."For example:
Megabits/second = Mb/s
Megabytes/second = MB/s
Groups of signals or bits are represented with the high-order bits first followed by the low-order bits and enclosed by brackets. For example:
Signals that are active low are followed by #, as in RESET#. Active high signalshave no suffix following the signal, as in PWROK.
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