New humorist writer, Brian Eden, extracts the absurd from the accepted and the strange from the ordinary in story after story of comic reflection about the world in general and American society in particular.
Relating some of his more bizarre experiences with a mixture of admitted philosophical dribble, obtuse political thinking, some worldly strangeness and a sampling of his peculiar outside the box analysis of what's socially correct and what's not... and you have this book, over 75 stories to keep the reader entertained.
Eden's whimsical take on society and human nature will keep you chuckling.
Treat yourself to Brian Eden's philosophical thoughts, suggestions, experiences, observations, satire, musings, speculations and absurdities about society and our place in the cosmos.
Sample Stories
Garage Art, Get Even Portfolio, When is a Bargain a Bargain?, Instant America, The Case for More Mulligans, Is a Googly a Knuckler?, Life at 500, What if Everyone was Honest?, Pro-Forma Merit Reviews, The Christmas Card List, Gun Rack Social Register, and Asteroid Coming - plus much more in wit and wisdom.
Reader Reviews:
"This book is the perfect companion when you have only a few minutes to read."
"It kept me laughing."
"With life getting so serious, this book is a welcome change."
"Very creative."
"Wow, what a take on life!"