Business Law in Japan-- Cases and Comments

By Moritz Bälz

Business Law in Japan-- Cases and Comments
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Preface --Dedication --List of Authors and Editors --Civil Law --Civil Law - Contract Law - Nullity of Contracts (Juristic Acts) due to a Violation of Mandatory Public Law Provisions --Civil Law - Contract Law - Doctrine of Frustration - Change of Circumstances --Civil Law - M&A - Binding Nature of Letter of Intent - Obligation to Negotiate in Good Faith - Confidentiality Clause - Injunctive Relief --Civil Law - Contract Law - Breach of Contract - Damages - Liability for Acts of the Assistant --Civil Law - Contract Law - Purchase Contract - Extinctive Prescription for Damage Claims Under the Warranty against Defects --Civil Law - Case to Seek Return of Money Equivalent to Unjust Enrichment - Actio de in rem verso --Civil Law - Tort Law/Contract Law - Liability for a Breach of Pre-contractual, Contractual and Non-contractual Information Duties - Liability of Experts - Claim for Damages --Civil Law - Tort Law - Joint Tort Liability --Civil Law - Tort Law - Product Liability Law - Claim for Damages --Civil Law - Contract Law - Improper Solicitation Transaction - Improperness of Solicitation of Transactions with Elderly People --Civil Law - Consumer Contract Act - Case That Decided whether Gold Futures Prices Are 'Important Matters' under the Consumer Contract Act --Civil Law - Contract Law - Consumer Credit - Documentation Requirements - Return of Unjust Enrichment --Civil Law - State Compensation Law - State Liability - Extinctive Prescription --Labour Law --Labour Law - Freedom Related to Hiring - Length of Probation Period --Labor and Employment Law - Duty to Work Overtime -Termination for Cause - Abuse of Right - Section 36 Agreements - Collective Bargaining Agreements - Work Rules --Labor Law - Abuse of Employer's Right to Transfer Employees --Labor Law - Succession to Labor Contracts upon Company Split - Section 5 Consultations --Corporate Law, Financial Regulation, Insurance Law --Corporate Law - Book-Entry Transfer System for Shares - Minority Shareholders' Appraisal Right - Requirementto Make Individual Shareholder Notice --Corporate Law - Duty of Care - Greenmailing - Benefits Granted to Shareholders --Corporate Law - Business Judgment Rule - Derivative Action --Corporate Law - Financial Assistance by Stock Corporation to Associated Corporation - Directors' Duty of Care and Duty of Loyalty --Corporate Law - Director's Remuneration - Pension-Type Remuneration after Retirement - Unilateral Cancellationby the Company --Corporate Law - Absorption-type Merger - Fairness of Merger Ratio - Action Seeking the Invalidation of a Merger --Corporate Law - Fraudulent Incorporation-type Company Split - Right of Creditors to Seek Avoidance and Request Compensation from the New Company --Corporate Law - Company Split - Continued Use of Trade Name - Liability of Succeeding Company for Obligations of Splitting Company --Corporate Law - Absorption-type Merger, etc. - Appraisal Remedy - Determination of Fair Value --Corporate Law - MBO - Squeeze-out - MinorityShareholders' Appraisal Right --Corporate Law - Takeovers - Issuance of Share Options as Defence Measure - Principal Purpose Rule --Corporate Law - Takeovers - Defensive Measures -Equality of Shareholders --Corporate Law - Constitutional Law - Political Donations by Companies - Legal Capacity of Companies - Purpose of Companies --Banking Law - Definition of Banking - Meaning of 'Funds Transfer' - Legality of Money Transmittance Service on Behalf of Customer --Insider Trading - Decision Regarding Carrying Out a Tender Offer - Decision-Making Organ --Insurance Law - Non-Life Insurance - Accidental Nature of the Insured Event - Burden of Proof --Insurance Law - Life Insurance - Claim for Payment -Exemption due to Intentional Cause of Death --Intellectual Property and Competition Law --Patent Law - Limits of Patent Rights - National andInternational Exhaustion --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Patent Infringement - Defence of Patent Exhaustion and Exceptions --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Clinical Trials -Research Exception --Intellectual Property Law - Patent Law - Requirements for a Patent Term Extension of Pharmaceutical Patents --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Interpretation of Patent Claims - Doctrine of Equivalents --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Employees' Inventions - Company Rules - Reasonable Remuneration --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Employees' Inventions - Reasonable Remuneration --Intellectual Property - Patent Law - Patent Infringement - Counterclaim of Invalidity --Copyright Law - Time- and Space-Shifting Broadcast -Right of Reproduction --Copyright Law - Re-Broadcasting of TV Programmes -Public Transmission --Copyright Law - Parodistical use - Right of Quotation - Fair Use --Copyright Law - Cinematographic Works - DistributionRight - Exhaustion --Copyright Law - Future Works - Injunctive Relief -Enforcement of Copyright --Trade Marks - Registrability - Secondary Meaning -Three-Dimensional Marks --Trade Mark Law - Similarity - Confusion --Trade Marks - Trade Mark Use - Confusion - Comparative Advertising - Well-Known Marks --Trade Mark Law - Abusive Registration of Well-KnownMarks - Foreign Marks --Trade Mark Law - Parallel Imports - Identity of Goods -Licensing Agreement - Counterfeit Goods --Protection of Legal Interests Not Explicitly Recognized by Statute - Tort and Intellectual Property Law --Copyright - Works of Applied Art - Law of Torts - Slavish Imitation - Unfair Competition Prevention - Designs --Publicity Rights - Personality Rights --Patent Law - Licensing Law - Exclusive Registered Licensee - Standing to Sue --Antitrust Law - Price Fixing - Administrative Guidance - Fair Trade Commission --Antitrust Law - Concerted Behaviour - Cartels - Patent Pools --Antitrust Law - Unfair Trade Practices - Resale PriceMaintenance - Private Enforcement --Part V: Conflict of Laws, Arbitration and Civil Procedure --Infringement of a US Patent - Patent Law - Applicable Law --Claim for the Interdiction of an Arbitration Procedure: Law Applicable to the Legal Capacity of a Company -Adoption of an Arbitration Agreement - Doctrineof Separability of the Arbitration Agreement fromthe Main Contract --Law Applicable to Maritime Lien --Calculation of Lost Income of Foreign Victim becauseof Accident in Japan --International Civil Procedure Law - State Immunity from Civil Jurisdiction - Restrictive Immunity Theory - Waiverfrom Immunity --International Civil Procedure Law - Jurisdiction - Place of Business of Corporations --International Civil Procedure Law, Recognition of Foreign Judgments, Punitive Damages --Recognition - Enforcement - Foreign Judgment - Indirect Jurisdiction - Service - Public Policy - Mutual Guarantee --Arbitration Law - Governing Law - Scope of Arbitration Agreement --Arbitral Award - Setting Aside - Appropriateness of Arbitral Tribunal's Reasons not Examinable by State Court - Impactof New Arbitration Law --Arbitration Law - Separability and Arbitrability -Terminated Contract --Disclosure of Documents for Internal Use --Table of Cases.

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