Your Impossible Voice #7

By Ascher/Straus, Suzanne Scanlon, Raymund Reyes, David Hall, Clarissa N G, Daniel Coshnear, Zdravka Evtimova, Mazzer D'Orazio, Amy Wright, Jennie Malboeuf, Alex Rieser, M. A. Schaffner, Craig Getz, Melanie Dunbar, Arkava Das, Gregg Williard, Xu Xi

Your Impossible Voice #7
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Our first issue of 2015 is a ver�i�ta�ble inter�na�tional soir�e! "Off-Season With Snake" chron�i�cles writer Xu Xi's return to Hong Kong to care for her aging mother. Ray�mund P. Reyes's "Asian God�dess" intro�duces us to Jameel, a Fil�ipino hus�tler plying his trade in Saudi Ara�bia. In Zdravka Evtimova's "Dis�tinc�tion," we visit Bul�garia and an epic cart race with love and brandy hang�ing in the bal�ance. All this and more, includ�ing new work from Archer/Straus, M. A. Schaffner, Suzanne Scan�lon, Amy Wright, David C. Hall, Clarissa N G, Daniel Cosh�n�ear, Mazzer D'Orazio, Jen�nie Mal�boeuf, Alex Rieser, Craig Mar�tin Getz, Melanie Dun�bar, Arkava Das, and Gregg Williard.

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