In a world where prosperity is measured in terms of economic growth, the pressure on business to maximise profits whilst also being held publically accountable for its social and environmental record, continues to increase.
Drawing on numerous case studies, theories, and perspectives, this textbook explores what corporate responsibility reveals about the changing role of business in the twenty-first century.
The third edition has been updated to reflect the full impact of the 2008-9 financial crisis and new examples of actual business practice have been presented throughout. These include: Google and their struggles with the Chinese government over censorship; Trafigura and their illegal dumping of toxic waste; and Proctor & Gamble and their charitable work to provide clean water to poor communities.
The text is accompanied by an Online Resource Centre which includes:
For students:
Additional case studies
Further reading
Sources on regulation and governance
Suggested films
Web exercises
Web links
For lecturers:
Images from the book