IWork '09

By Richard Harrington

IWork '09
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In the only Apple certified book on iWork '09, readers will learn to create and publish everything from first rate business presentations to professional marketing packages. Working step by step through self paced, real world projects (everything you need is on the DVD), readers will use Keynote, Pages, and Numbers to produce sophisticated results. Author Richard Harrington starts out with the basics of the software interface and quickly has readers designing, editing, and publishing. He shows readers how to use Numbers to create expense reports and project budgets and to plan special events. Readers will also learn to use the cinematic effects in Keynote and the new Appledesigned templates in Pages. The guide includes complete coverage of all the new features in iWork '09 including: Pages '09, Apple's word processing and layout package, now allows users to merge their data from Numbers or their contacts from Address book to create personalized documents; a new full screen view; and an enhanced template chooser with 180 Apple-designed templates. Keynote '09, Apple's presentation software, offers new Magic Move feature that lets users add sophisticated animation to their projects; new text and object based transitions; and new 3D charts and animations. Numbers '09 allows which allows users to create gorgeous looking spreadsheets quickly, now offers Easy formulas with over 250 functions; new Table categories; and an Enhanced Template Chooser.