This book contains fifteen numbers of the renowned Wheel Publication series, dealing with various aspects of the Buddha’s teaching.
Wheel Publication No. 101: Greater Discourse on the Elephant-Footprint Simile by Nyanaponika Thera;
102–3: Buddhist Reflections on Death — V. F. Gunaratna;
104: Early Buddhism and the Taking of Life — I. B. Horner;
105–6: The Four Nutriments of Life — Nyanaponika Thera;
107–9: Samyutta Nikaya — John D. Ireland;
110: Ratthapala Sutta — Nanamoli Thera;
111: Buddhism and Comparative Religion — Prof. Dr. Helmuth von Glasenapp;
112: The Buddha’s Last Bequest;
113–4: Buddhist Commentarial Literature — L. R. Goonesekera;
115: Lives of the Disciples I — Dr. Hellmuth Hecker.