Just as in today's time, the public asks various kinds of absurd questions to the scholars, similarly in ancient times, various kinds of absurd questions were asked to the Prophet as well. On the contrary, the Prophet also used to ask questions to the public, but the Prophet was answered appropriately by divine knowledge. In this way, the public was satisfied, but those who did not want to believe were neither satisfied nor believed.
As per the title of the above book, whatever questions the Prophet has asked the public in this book, their details have been given in it, which have been taken from the Holy Quran itself.
Just as atheists have questions today, in the same way, people used to ask questions to the prophets in those times. In the same way, the Prophet also used to ask questions to the public.
But everyone knows that every question cannot be answered because it can only be felt or experienced, it cannot be seen.
If any question related to the Prophet is left in this book, please inform me, I will try to enter your article.
Thank you