The book covers all the aspects of theory, analysis, and design of Electronic Circuits for the undergraduate course. The concepts of feedback amplifiers and oscillators, tuned amplifiers, wave shaping and multivibrator circuits, power amplifiers, and DC converters are explained in a comprehensive manner.
The former part of the book focuses on the fundamental concepts of feedback amplifiers and oscillators. It explains the analysis of series-shunt, series-series, shunt-shunt, and shunt-series feedback amplifiers, stability and frequency compensation in feedback amplifiers. The concepts of the Barkhausen criterion for oscillations and the detailed analysis of various oscillator circuits including phase shift, Wien bridge, Hartley, Colpitt‘s, Clapp, ring, and crystal oscillators are included in the book. The oscillator amplitude stabilization is explained in support. Then the book focuses on the fundamental concept of tuned amplifiers. It explains topics such as coil losses, unloaded and loaded Q of tank circuits, analysis of single and double tuned amplifiers, the effect of cascading single tuned and double tuned amplifiers on bandwidth, stagger tuned amplifiers, stability of tuned amplifiers, and neutralization methods.
The later part of the book incorporates the detailed analysis of various wave shaping circuits, including high pass and low pass RC and RL circuits, clipper and clamper circuits, bistable, monostable, and astable multivibrator circuits. The discussion of Schmitt trigger circuits and UJT is also included in the book. Finally, the book explains the class A, B, and C types of power amplifiers along with the discussion of the elimination of cross-over distortion. The book also covers the concepts of power amplifiers using power MOSFET and various types of d.c. to d.c. converters.
The book uses plain and lucid language to explain each topic. The variety of solved examples is the feature of this book. The book explains the philosophy of the subject, which makes the understanding of the concepts very clear and makes the subject more interesting.