This textbook is designed for English-speaking students wishing to
acquire a basic working ability in conversational Vietnamese. The
twenty lessons in this volume are centered around short conversations
based on common topics--introductions, friends and family
members, work--as well as other everyday situations. Each set of
conversations builds on previously studied material and introduces
new sentence structures.
Spoken Vietnamese for Beginners also contains exercise sections that
allow students to practice new and old vocabulary. Every fifth lesson in
the book reviews previously covered material with written exercises, narrative
readings, and suggested conversations so students can practice the
Vietnamese they have learned. Self-tests are also included so students
can individually review their understanding of the language.
The conversations and exercises in this textbook will be made
available online as audio files. The book and accompanying audio--
an integral component to Spoken Vietnamese for Beginners--can be
used either with a teacher or for self-study. Language professors and
their students--or those learning Vietnamese on their own--will
appreciate the accessible approach and manageable size of this very
practical textbook.