Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications

By Yuan Y. Tang, Victor Wickerhauser, Pong C. Yuen, Chun-hung Li

Wavelet Analysis and Its Applications
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The?rstinternationalconferenceonwaveletanalysisanditsapplicationswas heldinChinain1999.Followingthesuccessofthe?rstconference, thesecond- ternationalconference(ICWAA2001)washeldinHongKonginDecember2001. Theobjectiveofthisconferenceistoprovideaforumforresearchersworking onbothwavelettheoryanditsapplications.Byidea-sharinganddiscussionson thestateoftheartinwavelettheoryandapplications, ICWAA2001isaimed tostimulatethefuturedevelopment, explorenovelapplications, andexchange ideasfordevelopingrobustsolutions. ByAugust2001, wehadreceived67fullpaperssubmittedfromallover theworld.Toensurethequalityoftheconferenceandproceedings, eachpaper wasreviewedbythreereviewers.Afterathoroughreviewprocess, theprogram committeeselected24regularpapersfororalpresentationand27shortpapers forposterpresentation.Inadditiontothese24oralpresentations, therewere3 invitedtalksdeliveredbydistinguishedresearchers, namelyProf.JohnDaugman fromCambridgeUniversity, UK, Prof.BrunoTorresanifromInria, France, and Prof.VictorWickerhauser, fromWashingtonUniversity, USA.Wemustadd thattheprogramcommitteeandthereviewersdidanexcellentjobwithina tightschedule. WewishtothankalltheauthorsforsubmittingtheirworktoICWAA2001 andalltheparticipants, whetheryoucameasapresenteroranattendee.We hopethattherewasampletimefordiscussionandopportunitytomakenew acquaintances.Finally, wehopethatyouexperiencedaninterestingandexciting conferenceandenjoyedyourstayinHongKong. October2001 YuanY.Tang, VictorWickerhauser PongC.Yuen, C.H.Li 3 . ! " # $ % & !C. C% -% ! ( .) # * A * A * *C, #AA2001 ! !, C%, D 18-20,2001 & ! 13 %, * %, C **, A, %, % % * " * . ! & !C. C% -% ! ! ! B D C * !, ! ! - *: { !/ / %* }@ .$% . .%$ " # $ % # % !, D % C B 1146, C * ., 63130, A - *: @ %. *. C * ! !- -& * D * D D % B * % $-C &- % % # * * *: *; ! /#AA2001, ! !, C%, D 18-20,2001.