"The Dana Guide to Brain Health" is a resource that today's health consumer can trust, or what Foundation chairman William Safire calls "a kind of basic 'bible' of the brain."
The first truly accessible all-in-one source of its kind, this illustrated home reference features the latest facts and medical discoveries, combined with clear, up-to-date information on seventy-two psychiatric and neurological disorders, their diagnoses, and their treatments.
Filled with informative diagrams, tables, sidebars, graphs, charts, photographs, and drawings, along with a section listing every major consumer advocacy/informationorganization, related to brain disorders, "The Dana Guide to Brain Health" sets a new standard. In its pages readers will discover:
- The crucial steps for taking care of our brains
- The intimate connection between brain health and body health
- How the brain develops from the prenatal period and childhood through adolescence and adulthood
- How the brain regulates breathing and blood flow
- How we learn, remember, and imagine
"The Dana Guide to Brain Health" is simply the most authoritative, comprehensive, and clearly written guide to the bodily organ that is the key to our everyday health. No home should be without it.