Part 1: Might & Magic
Follow a tale of epic proportions, spanning across multiple decades. Max Starheart, a young, talented and ambitious sorcerer trainee dreams of following in his father’s footsteps and joining his famous cities magical military. In his youth, Max must take the guidance of three legendary sorcerers whilst simultaneously, attempting to uncover the mystery of Kavlos’ Emperor. Is he indeed as benevolent as he claims, or is there more than meets the eye with this mysterious shadow?
Part 2: Lair of Darkness
As max matures into a fine young mage, his adulthood brings even more complexity. After witnessing visions of his lost father trapped in an alternate dimension, he is compelled to seek him out. New companions accompany max and old acquaintances blur the lines between loyalty and treachery. However, an even greater, more ancient evil lies within the depths of shadow...
Part 3: The Dystopian King
In his later years, max, becoming a leader of men, is challenged with the greatest threat of his life, his family! or least keeping them safe, whilst a dystopian king from worlds away, seeks to take everything from him using powers never before seen. Will Max overcome this technological threat, or will he lose all he has fought so gallantly for his whole life.