Emerging Legacy

By Doranna Durgin

Emerging Legacy
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The slavers who capture Kelyn's youthful hunting pack also threaten her village--which depends on the meat and trade pelts the pack brings in from the harsh land of Ketura.  But except for Kelyn, the pack is drugged…and Kelyn's nickname is Kelyn the Clumsy... 

A short story of the young Wolverine's Daughter

About the Wolverine's Daughter:

"When a sword and sorcery book begins with humor, it's fairly well guaranteed to be an excellent read.... This book whips along with impressive fight choreography, excellent background descriptions, and fascinating plotlines."

"With this new book, Doranna Durgin ventures into classic sword & sorcery -- and turns the subgenre upside down.... And I like Kelyn, who could kick Red Sonya’s steel bikini-clad butt from introduction to epilogue. Fantasy fans in general will love this book, but it has extra appeal for feminists and for warriors of the female persuasion."
--Hypatia's Hoard

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