Dyno is a fourteen-year-old pitching phenom. Chip is his best friend, a highly skilled defensive catcher, a solid hitter, and an exceptional leader. Chip is also the only player who can keep hothead Dyno in line. Together, they’re the star players on the under-fifteen baseball team called the Badgers.
High school baseball coach Jim Robertson sees the Badgers’ talent so agrees to be their coach, shaping these young athletes into stars. However, Dyno proves to be a problem. He might be a gifted pitcher, but his cocky and negative attitude leaves much to be desired—so much so that his teammates start turning against him.
Coach Robertson knows a player like Dyno could tear a winning team apart, so he enlists Dyno’s best bud. Chip needs to help Dyno work through his personal issues to build trust and chemistry with his team. The Badgers could go all the way to the top if they find a way to work together and support each other, because talent alone does not produce winners.