The authors are proud sponsors of the 2020 SAGE Keith Roberts Teaching Innovations Award—enabling graduate students and early career faculty to attend the annual ASA pre-conference teaching and learning workshop.
Join the conversation with one of sociology’s best-known thinkers.
In the fully updated Fifth Edition of Introduction to Sociology, bestselling authors George Ritzer and Wendy Wiedenhoft Murphy show students the relevance of sociology to their lives. While providing a rock-solid foundation, the text illuminates traditional sociological concepts and theories, as well as some of the most compelling contemporary social phenomena: globalization, consumer culture, the digital world, and the "McDonaldization" of society. Packed with current examples and the latest research of how "public" sociologists are engaging with the critical issues of today, this new edition encourages students to view the world through a sociological perspective, and to participate in a global conversation about social life in the twenty first century.
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- SAGE Lecture Spark: Designed to save you time and ignite student engagement, these free weekly lecture launchers focus on current event topics tied to key concepts in Sociology.