Sedona Chip

By Mike Jackson

Sedona Chip
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In this the final book of the Janitor series, Sedona Chip, the French (under direction of the French President who has been a thorn in the side of our President during the War on Terror) make a foolish blunder. The President, General Bradley, and the Janitors jump on the blunder to have a bit of comic relief after seven plus years of dealing with the terrorist threat. During the effort to cause the French President--and a previously dis-credited French intelligence operative--as much grief as possible, the team also has to deal with several al-Qaida operations.

Good reading, and hope you have enjoyed the series.

Why a portion of the American public seems intent on "being more like the French" is beyond me. This is the story of one in a long line of pompous jerks to hold the seat of President of France, and the type of foolish moves they have made over the years. It is written with a bit of tongue in cheek, and lets my characters in the Janitor series have a bit of fun on the way out the door, so to speak. Enjoy.

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