Learn of the country's rich yet divisive history; how Peru was once the center of a powerful and extensive empire ruled by the Inca. Peer over the shoulders of experts on Peruvian archaeological sites and examine the treasures that yield the secrets of the Inca, one of history's most advanced civilizations. Learn how the Spanish conquered Peru in the 16th century, coveting its rich resources of precious metals, and how centuries of colonization would later leave a powerful cultural stamp on this South American nation. Trace the course of Spanish rule, which ended in the early 19th century, and resulted in a divided society in which a wealthy elite of largely Spanish descent has long dominated Peru's larger population of Native American and mixed-race ethnicity. Meet the people of modern Peru and witness a fast-changing society, striving to adapt to the global trend towards large-scale urbanization, with city dwellers now making up 74 percent of a once mainly rural population.
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