New Visions for the Developmental Assessment of Infants and Young Children

By Samuel J. Meisels

New Visions for the Developmental Assessment of Infants and Young Children
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This collection of 18 papers on assessing infants and toddlers includes the views of parents, clinicians, researchers, and policymakers. The following papers are included: (1) "Toward a New Vision for the Developmental Assessment of Infants and Young Children" (Stanley I. Greenspan and Samuel J. Meisels); (2) "Charting the Continuum of Assessment and Intervention" (Samuel J. Meisels); (3) "Toward Shared Commitment and Shared Responsibility: A Parent's Vision of Developmental Assessment" (Susan Rocco); (4) "Achieving Change in Assessment Practices: A Parent's Perspective" (Barbara K. Popper); (5) "Thoughts on the Assessment of Young Children whose Sociocultural Background is Unfamiliar to the Assessor" (Isaura Barrera); (6) "History-Making, not History-Taking: Clinical Interviews with Infants and Their Families" (Laurence M. Hirshberg); (7) "A Window on the Newborn's World: More than Two Decades of Experience with the Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale" (T. Berry Brazelton); (8) "The Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment (IDA): A Family-Centered Transdisciplinary Assessment Process" (Joanna Erikson); (9) "Assessment for IFSP Development and Intervention Planning" (Diane Bricker); (10) "Assessment of Adaptive Competence" (G. Gordon Williamson); (11) "Nonstructured Play Observations: Guidelines, Benefits, and Caveats" (Marilyn Segal and Noreen T. Webber); (12) "Assessing the Emotional and Social Functioning of Infants and Young Children" (Stanley I. Greenspan); (13) "Climbing the 'Symbolic Ladder': Assessing Young Children's Symbolic and Representational Capacities through Observation of Free Play Interaction" (Serena Wieder); (14) "Toward Earlier Identification of Communication and Language Problems in Infants and Young Children" (Amy M. Wetherby and Barry M. Prizant); (15) "Strategies for Meaningful Assessment of Infants and Toddlers with Significant Physical and Sensory Disabilities" (Lucy Jane Miller and Cordelia C. Robinson); (16) "Neurodevelopmental Evaluation of Newborns and Infants with Genetic Disorders" (Carole Samango-Sprouse); (17) "A Values-Based Model of Infant and Toddler Assessment" (Lucy Jane Miller and Brian A. McNulty); and (18) "Family-Directed Child Evaluation and Assessment under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)" (Carol Berman and Evelyn Shaw). (Individual papers contain references.) (DB)

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